I have a couple of cheap Chinese IP cam as kitty cams. As with anything cheap, support is not existent; and what’s worse is, the company decided to shut down. The company never issued any firmware updates and those 2 cameras have a CVE on ONVIF, I decided it’s time to remove them from the […]
Goodbye my loving, furry little friend

Dear Mao Mao, How is life treating you so far? Without you around now, our home is even quieter. Even you spent most of your time sleeping for the last few years, we can still very much feel your absence. I would often glance at your usual hiding spots, only then realizing that you are […]
Defeating Geo-Fences and Cord Cutting for Canadian – May 2020

Is cord cutter feasible for Canadians? Absolutely! We have cut the cords since 2013 and rely of online streaming services. Throughout the past 7 years, we have tested many services and learned a lot from our experiences. If you are planning to cut the cord to stretch the dollars or wanting to try to watch […]
Sinemia in 2019 – a MoviePass Repeat ?

In the past, I have covered Sinemia in my blog and recommended the service for the frequent movie-goers. Those good days are gone, and replace with error messages and frustrations. I am not going to speculate on the status of Sinemia but I will cover the issues I get. Until Sinemia can properly address all […]
The Best Meal Kits Subscription Service in Canada 2021

Meal kits are great for our busy household. We pick the meals we want, and it will be delivered to my place with everything included. It saves our time for driving out to shop and dealing with meal planning. We also enjoy it because we produce fewer wastes and little left-overs. More importantly, being health […]
Quick Review: Eufy Smart Scale AK-T9140011

We have been using our EatSmart Glass Scale for quite a few years, there is nothing wrong with it. In 2018, we have been looking for a replacement as we want to accurate body composition, BMI and possibly Smart one since I use Google Health with my XiaoMi bands Since we are looking for Google […]
Upgrading Kitchen Light to LED Tubes

Technology has gone so fast these days that trying to find old stuff is getting difficult. For example, the majority of light bulbs that I can find is LED, very rarely I can find any CCFL or incandescent bulbs at hardware store. In my kitchen, 2 of the 4 florescent tubes is getting dim and […]
Sinemia Review in Canada – after a year

As of April 2019, I no longer recommend Sinemia due to questionable business practices. Please follow this link for the newest update on the issues I am having. Sign up for $20 bonus https://www.sinemia.com/R/VGXG5L and change the country to Canada at the bottom right. Updated Feb 2, 2019: Sinemia offers a lower “Plus” plan for […]
Part 4: Pairing/Adding XiaoMi Sensors into SmartThings Hub

Update Oct 4, 2022 – A new post is published with the newest pairing info. See here: https://lazymocha.com/blog/2022/10/04/samsung-smartthings-groovy-to-edge-conversion-and-xiaomi-aqara-devices/ Following on Part 3, the idea of “Smart Home” is to be able to get updated information from the home; sensors are the eyes and ears that tells you everything from temperature, occupancy, door/windows opening, garage door […]
Review: NewAir Tower Cooling Fan (AF-310)

Buy from Amazon: http://amzn.to/2gfp7R4 Specifications: http://www.newair.com/evaporative-coolers/af-310-air-cooler/ Summer is finally here in Vancouver, the temperature now creeps up to about 25C+ almost every afternoon. Since it’s not too common for us to have centralized HVAC system; fans and air conditioners are something almost every household would have. Out of curiosity, we discovered another type of fan, […]