Goodbye my loving, furry little friend

Dear Mao Mao,

How is life treating you so far? Without you around now, our home is even quieter. Even you spent most of your time sleeping for the last few years, we can still very much feel your absence. I would often glance at your usual hiding spots, only then realizing that you are no longer there. I am sure we will get used to the emptiness.

For the recent 11 years that we have been through together, you and I have developed a trust. I was dating your owner then we got married and you lived with us since. I know you have spent your life trying to murder your owner and failed, I caught you in the act too many time; you did however made a good adversary to the certain someone at home.

Since you were diagnosed with CRD in 2017, life had turned upside down for all of us, and we were still able to slow down your condition by throwing money at the vet to keep you healthy and happy. We had our initial disagreements because of you hating the meds, vet checks and needles; you seemed to understand the importance of these treatments after our pillow talks that everything we did were for your benefits.

People says “Nothing is certain but taxes and death”, although you are my third cat, but I am still emotionally attached to you more. We did what we could to keep you comfortable knowing the day will come; fighting for nearly 4 years with CRD, while seeing you age and slowly losing eye sights, I don’t know if it’s the disease or age that got you at the end, I hope it is the latter. You surprised everyone because you outlived many other cats. Good job for fighting for survival!

Yep, I have cleaned and packed up your stuff already because you are no longer here nor needing them. We are preparing the place to welcome another cat.

Thank you for being a part of us, 21 years is a very long time, we will miss you always.

